
Follow @simonslost 


          New book called mind !
          Silence once a fear I thought I'd never wake up from . The ringing in my ear as the past years flash before my eyes . Darkness sweeping over me . like a heavenly cloud I'm at rest for once . 
          With no worries about them or him and her. No worries about life, family , murder, just red . 
          Red the darkening color I've seen so much it's a daily chore I've just blended  into my life. 
          Just a figments of hope left in me till it's all crushed and i'm nothing but used garbage. Once rightfully loved all gone with not an existences left. 
          Mavye that's the point .... To die with no string attached,  they've  all been chopped off a while back anyways . To the point  I can't  even remember what they look like, but just scars on my wrists And ankles.
          Brought on this world to do such more all hope is lost . Humanity at its worse and me in the eye of the trigger . Death is his only threat . Death is my only option .
          And yet the grain of rice still beats inside of me hoping for something , anything .


          I'm a seeker .. Or I think I am. Apparently I can see the further past and present. But 
          Last thing I remember
          is running . 
          The boy keeps appearing in my dreams saying my name is Seed not Amber , and that I need to flee the utopia the government put me in and remember the Seed I used to be . 
          But what if I cant remember Seed ?
          What if I don't want 
          to remember .


"JAXSON ?........I LOVE YOU" I say . The last thing I say. I can take this. I loved him and he let me . 
          As I walk out of his house . This time there is no knight to protect me. For my knight has damaged me. And we're both forever gone .