
Soooo, I was able to write Matthew's chapter. Finally. You can read it here:


Sooo, I rewrote Sad Boys in the City (Yes, I did kahit hindi pa siya nag-progress beyond chapter 4 huhuhuhu).
          Here are some changes:
          1. The story is now told in first person perspective.
          --- Idk if this will turn out to be the right decision in the long run. I have been used to writing in third person; sometimes, I even unconsciously switch to a third person narrator mid-chapter. But for now, I think it’s better for the story I wish to tell.
          2. I am reworking Matthew as a character.
          --- During the original first chapters I have written, Matthew rather seemed like a passive character. I wanted to change that and give him agency over what happens around and inside him rather than simply reacting to what is being thrown at him. Though I'm still struggling to figure how things will go with his side of the story, I hope I could come up with a way to still explore the same themes I hoped to touch on with his character. (Side note: I never thought I’d ever struggle writing a character in contemporary fiction. Turns out, I wasn’t just writing characters very well in the past :'‹).
          And to conclude this long ass post, you can read the first revised chapter which gives us a glimpse to Arthur’s world here:


The Sad Boys Archive is my own way of exploring queerness and identity. I hope to be able to write poignant stories that offered a rich narrative of complex characters and the complexity of life itself. As a strting point, here is book one.
          'Sad Boys in the City' is a queer romance fiction that delves into class, identity, the different faces of loneliness that lie beneath the surface, and the fleeting connections that shape who we become.
          Read it here: