
this message may be offensive
Oh wow, looked through the old things I wrote here, how was I so hyper and full of energy to post—?
          	I mean I love writing but lately I’ve just gotten nervous to post stories lol.
          	Well my first story I’ve already gotten the first draft out and checked it with my IRL friend (she said fuck your story when she heard what I was portraying and how angsty the ending was going to be so I know I’m doing good :3) so I just need to adjust some things and write the first chapter, should probably be done within this month.
          	-Blue, now Shinjū/TsukasaRP(i’m obsessive with both the character and the topic plus I don’t know any other names and Blue was getting old for me)


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Oh wow, looked through the old things I wrote here, how was I so hyper and full of energy to post—?
          I mean I love writing but lately I’ve just gotten nervous to post stories lol.
          Well my first story I’ve already gotten the first draft out and checked it with my IRL friend (she said fuck your story when she heard what I was portraying and how angsty the ending was going to be so I know I’m doing good :3) so I just need to adjust some things and write the first chapter, should probably be done within this month.
          -Blue, now Shinjū/TsukasaRP(i’m obsessive with both the character and the topic plus I don’t know any other names and Blue was getting old for me)


I have the ideas and motivations for a few stories so I’m going to work on them and try to get something new out because I know my recent ones have been getting a little boring and that’s mostly my fault. I don’t think of the middle parts when I write I only think of the backstory of characters and the end but then again I try to make a lot of my stories super long so that affects things heh. I’ll try to post soon :) -FNB


I have motivation but no ideas
          I have ideas but no motivation or idea on how to put them into writing
          Then I go hyper with writing and then I look back realize it’s cringe and doesn’t make sense and end up loosing motivation and deleting all I wrote
          Is it bad that I have the urge to delete some of my old stories because I know I could have done better but also don’t want them to see the light again instead of rewrite them
          I don’t know my motivation keeps exploding-FNB


My brain is a mess
          I wanna say something and I did but when I typed it my brain thought about it right as I hit post and I started thinking it was cringe and that I should think about it more and then I deleted it-
          Good news though the last day of school for us is Thursday so woo!!!! We can start getting back in schedule now that testing is over! 


*-FNB* I forgot to add that, maybe I am too sleep deprived lol 


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I thought the damn test were done when we finished the math and English tests………
          .there’s history, and science, and P.E tests still.
          And I know I’m gonna fail the history and science one already their both due tomorrow and I’m barely on page 5 of the project that’s 15 pages-
          I’m still sick af and feeling like shit
          But I’m outta sick days and I don’t wanna go to Saturday school nor get outta bed
          R.I.P my grade-
          At least I have decent grades there so i won’t totally fail-
          I swear my skills in writing and decent understanding in math are the only thing keeping me from getting held back-
          I’m going on a rant-
          I’ll stop before I continue, sorry to anyone who read this.-FNB


Hello sorry for not posting in so long, turns out we have even more exams. We got through the first two (except for Forgotten who was sick almost the whole time) but we still have two more to go. We’re probably not going to be posting for a while still because studying has mentally drained us lol. We plan to take a break from posting for at least a few more weeks after we finished the tests and hopefully get back into the routine of posting again. Thank you to everyone who is being so patient while waiting the story updates and bye-DO


Was on character ai and talking to a Nightmare AI did the same thing with Dream being honest with questions because I have no reason to lie and then I started to realize that it slowly turned into a therapy session. What the funk is up with that lol.-FNB


Sorry for sorta being dead for a while, we have exams coming up and we have been studying. I can understand how Blue keeps forgetting he has accounts where he actually posts stuff but also Blue if you’re seeing this then go post something on your YouTube account you’ve been dead there for like months.-DO