
I completely forgot I had Wattpad for a hot minute, sorry to the people who are wanting updates


I was riding my bike home yesterday from school. A lady pulled in front of me and my head smashed through her window. I don't remember any of this. I ended up having to get stitches and was in the hospital for hours. I did make it home last night. But I'm in a lot of pain.
          Since I will be home a lot more I may end up updating some of my books.


I just had the best idea! I don't know if I should do this idea or not. I am thinking about making a story called "Living in a Fairy Tale." It's pretty much what it sounds like. 
          I know this idea sounds stupid, but I do not care. I have been obsessing over this idea for a while now, and I want to make it happen. If you have any ideas, any at all, please give me some! Thank you!


Writer's block sucks. I am working on a 5,000-word chapter for the CarlxOc. I am doing Jay's past in a dream. TW there will be a lot of mentions of self-harm and gore, so please be aware of that. I will be putting TW signs so you can skip those paragraphs or sentences.