
looking over old drafts of books i have on hold and the playlist i made for them and damn was i a bland bitch


you might be wondering
          jeez bella how long is this rewrite taking. 
          not much longer!
          (for the first chapter, sorry lol)
          a lot has been happening in my life and i just had no time, from working a full time job and helping with my brother.
          i've also been getting back onto my harry potter phase so i've had more motivation to write my hp fics than little hummingbird but its almost done!


hello everyone, i know i've been gone for a while but i have a big announcement.
          little hummingbird will be put on hold as i will be rewriting the entire thing in a separate book.
          reading it over is a little humbling because its just so repetitive and it isnt very detailed. 
          i haven't started the rewrite yet but the first chapter will be out soon.
          The plot won't be changed so you dont really have to read the rewrite and can just wait until it gets to the part the original is currently on but i promise its going to be so much better with so many more scenes with gilbert and syd. 
          thank you for your patience <3


@ simpforspence  I'm so happy ! I loved the fic so I'm sooo hyped to read the rewrite :))


the video taken right after my birth isnt a cute moment when my dad held me for the first time. you know why? because during that video, my mother was being put on life support because her 14 year old body wasnt ready to give birth and i had practically ripped her inside out and my dad couldnt even look at me as the love of his young life was on the brink of death. she died about an hour after i was born. 
          my mom was forced to have me at 14 and the fact that if she hadnt given her life for me she would still be here with my dad honestly makes me wish i was never born. 
          my dad loves me and he is my best friend but we struggled a lot and i definitely wasnt able to have the childhood every innocent child deserves because he was so young and wasnt able to properly support me. 
          i was lucky when it comes to being raised by a single teen parent but others arent so lucky. 
          no child deserves to be neglected because their parent(s) are not ready/do not want a child. 
          THIS is whats going to happen now that womens' basic human rights have been ripped away from us. 
          banning abortions is NOT going to stop abortions. it is going to stop SAFE abortions and it is going to result in so many deaths of women who did not the choice to decide what is right for them and THEIR bodies. 
          how is a teenage girl that is not old enough to get a full time job, or consent, or vote, or even get a damn tattoo old enough to be forced to have a child that they cannot properly raise and support. 
          because this is not about the children. this is about hate for women, this is about the power and control men want to have over women. 
          if this was about the children they want to force women to bring into this world, they would also address the baby formula shortage and do more to protect the already living, breathing children from gun violence and they would enforce a nationwide paid maternity leave. 
          but they arent going to.
          because this is about power.


no i am in fact not dead 
          my health has not been very good recently and things havent been great with my family and i just havent been very motivated to write
          new chapter of little hummingbird is almost done and ill try to get it out this weekend


im sorry about not updating little hummingbird ive just felt very uninspired and ive been having trouble deciding how to go about the agnsty agnst 
          also on a more happy note, i will be finding out the gender of my new baby sibling on april 21 so i can plan the gender reveal! im so excited