
Hey author,
          Just wanted to tell you that I loved both the works of yours. The stories were interesting. talking about the promised love, Though not a perfect love story I must say because of the cheating involved but it was the perfect roller coaster of emotions and I honestly enjoyed it. 
          While vaidehi, I want just more and more of it but I request you author there's no cheating involved in this because idk but I have a feeling that raghuvendra would cheat on vaidehi with maneka. It kinda gave *bajirao mastani* vibe but I hope there's no such thing as that .
          Please don't make vaidehi suffer the karma of her parents. Loved the story so far hoping for better upcoming chapters.


@manifestinglove_ Heyy. Thank you so much <3 I am always glad to hear reviews about my work, so you made my day.
            Also, don't worry about Vaidehi. Without revealing too much, I just want to say that Vaidehi won't be similar to Bajirao Mastani.  I myself hate that movie due to the cheating, so I wouldn't want to write something like that. As for the rest, stay tuned for further chapters. 
            All the love always <3


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i know vaidehi is lead but make her suffer the same pain her parent made devyani go throw. she was treated as a breeding machine by the bastard and loved his whore of a mistress . itna pyaar tha to ladta apne pyaar k liye . rehta unmarried and she knowing she is destroying a innocent womens life readily became his mistress . dont glorify cheating . let karma hit the cheater and mistress homewreaker woman back by making their daughter go through same they made devyani go throw . for sake if farity dont make first wife villian and cheater and homewreacker as saints . they should suffer through their daughter and devyani should have the last laugh as she deserves some solace . atleast give her justice .. else its waste as books glorifying cheating implies that cheating on wife is good and eventually honewreacker and cheater and their najaayaz aulad will have last laugh . what kind of msg such books will give to society ?? are you in favour of a cheater having a happy ending ?? being a woman yourself do t do that .. try to understand thepain devyani must have felt upon the bastards infidelity and make him and his mistress burn in fire of there sins .. 


@ruhanishah42 why vaidehi bro she is innocent one in all of this if someone is at fault then it's her parents both the king and her mom and not vaidehi. I don't think she should suffer the same for something she never did


@ruhanishah42 vaidehi parents did wrong but what is fault in vaidehi 