
Ill be honest with u guys-blunt. U r either family who already knows or ppl i only know thru wattpad. I havent posted lately and probably wont for a while heres the blunt part- my reason- my mom went to jail. She screwed up and list us kids and because of her mistakes i lost my home. The home ive been in for six years. A home she promised as a sanctuary after a childhood of moving here and there. And right before my my last yr of high schl the year after i bought my class ring and a year before i would graduate with my friends she puts me in a high bigger then comprehensive  with 2000 i dont know.. I dont know why im explaining myself on this site but i felt like i needed to vent and this site is much safer then facebook. If ur reading this thanks for ur time.. Im going to go do my homework now.


Ill be honest with u guys-blunt. U r either family who already knows or ppl i only know thru wattpad. I havent posted lately and probably wont for a while heres the blunt part- my reason- my mom went to jail. She screwed up and list us kids and because of her mistakes i lost my home. The home ive been in for six years. A home she promised as a sanctuary after a childhood of moving here and there. And right before my my last yr of high schl the year after i bought my class ring and a year before i would graduate with my friends she puts me in a high bigger then comprehensive  with 2000 i dont know.. I dont know why im explaining myself on this site but i felt like i needed to vent and this site is much safer then facebook. If ur reading this thanks for ur time.. Im going to go do my homework now.


So i didnt find my actual poem book that someone tool this summer, sadly. How ever i did find my old finalized journal of poems. They r ones i completed and wrote nicely in a book. Anyways some of them are ones i originally wrote and was sad i couldn't post on wattpad when i lost my original book, but now it, and a few others will be uploaded by the end of today! Hope u wanna read em!


Hellooooo! ! :)
          _Thanksssss so much for the follow. Please feel free to read my books. (any times you want.) Also, If you wouldn't mind To check one of my stories called "Being Pregnant With The Player "? If you don't, thanks so much and remember to vote and comment please. (&) I will love to hear your feedback about what do u think about my book. By the way, This story is a fiction story. just letting you know.XD
          _Have a great day. ✊✊✊✊✊