
          	guess who’s not dead!! me. 
          	i’ve been swamped by exams and sickness and general exhaustion that I have not been active here in ages but i have a load of half-written one-shots that i’m hoping to get around to finishing and posting soon. 
          	we’ll see how that goes though 


          guess who’s not dead!! me. 
          i’ve been swamped by exams and sickness and general exhaustion that I have not been active here in ages but i have a load of half-written one-shots that i’m hoping to get around to finishing and posting soon. 
          we’ll see how that goes though 


I had an interesting moment in English today. 
          We were studying Michelle Obama’s speech to the Democratic Conference in 2016 and at one point she said something about all being created equal so my teacher stopped the video and said ‘so we all know what she was quoting there’ and I went ‘Thomas Paine’. Apparently she didn’t know that and was just going to make a point that it was a weight source where as I explained to her the full quote and (when my brain blanked for a moment) said  ‘sorry, I only know it from hamilton’ 
          anyways, it’s been two weeks and I’ve already outed myself as a theatre kid


@simping4musicals if it makes you feel better, almost everyone has seen Hamilton lol 


A conversation I just had with my brother:
          Me: Look at the vinyl I bought
          Him: Which is the birds and which is the planes?
          Me: (utterly confused) That what’s?
          Him: The birds and planes
          Me: Do you mean the sharks and the jets?
          Him: Mine were better 
          anyway i’m never going to show him west side story or talk about it with him again 


(It didn’t send my crying emoji in between no and not lol. Gosh darn Wattpad)


Oh no  not birds and planes
            I can tell if that’s hilarious or if it physically pains me


Hello it is 2.34 in the morning and I think I did something to my ankle. I rolled over it in training last night but it was fine, a bit sore so I put an ice pack on it for a while and it seemed to be going away. but then I woke up an hour ago to really bad pain in my ankle and it hurts to move it and I went to the kitchen to get painkillers and I couldn’t put weight on it. If I don’t get back asleep I will cry. 


@simping4musicals I had something similar happen to me the other week. Turns out it was broken. Defo go see a doctor


In the morning if it's worse, see a doctor. You could also use some DMSO cream if you have access to some (if you have it now, put some on now. It works wonders for my ankle pain and other pain I get)


Ice it again, elevate it, and wrap it in something if you can, or wear a tight sock.