
Sneak peek
          	“Okay! Okay! I give!!” Greyson shrieked
          		Riley got up and started to laugh “I’m not as much of a twig as I used to be huh?”
          	 Greyson started to dust himself off “You sure aren't”


Preview of the new chapter of Greyson,
             It was around the time where Greyson’s father had left him and his mother. It was his first birthday with just his mother and him. With him being just five years old his mother tried to pretend that his father was going to the store to find the perfect present for his birthday. She told him that he was going to send the best toy at the toy store to him every year then search for another one for his next birthday so he wouldn't be home for a while. Him being a naive child he believed it and was proud that his daddy had cared so much for him to spend so long for the best birthday gifts. He even tried to send the nearest toys r us a few letters to give to his father as a thank you. His mother slowly became depressed and ashamed with the terrible lie she had told her son. As a sorry she took him to his first time to the fair.
             However Greyson was not the only one who had Daddy issues and was given the carnival as an apology. There was a scrawny dark hair boy moving into town that day. Nobody had to have previously known the two to know what their story was. They were both Milly Desruc and little Riley Desruc. When they were seen moving into their home rumors began to flood their neighborhood of domestic abuse. Riley’s mother looked as if she weighed nothing more than a feather. Riley too was starved to what looked almost to death. Both were pale and seemed shaky of every car and face that had passed. His mother Linda had finally escaped her abusive partner and was off to start a new life with her son. She desperately wanted things to be different and brought Riley to the carnival. But still full of fear of seeing her husband, she packed both him and herself with a blade.


"delyan • 3 months ago
          as a 17 year old on and off switch person, i have learned that as much as no emotions can help, it can cause just as much problems as it solves. it's kind of a double edged sword. if you have your feelings off for too long you eventually lose the person you are when you have your feelings on. in other words if you missuse this ability you will eventually become the person with no feelings. not to mention you can also hurt the people who cares about you, and eventually that can leave you all alone. i guess it's kind of a evil circle as well. the more you use it the more you want to use it. im not saying it can't be used in a positive way, it can help you through some of the toughest times in life, as some kind of defense mechanism to not let you feel the lowest of the lowest feelings, as long as you know how to use it of course. actually as im writing this i have my "switch" off, just building up the courage to turn it on again. it's a real comfort to know that whenever i need it, i can use it.well that's about all my thoughts on this theme. thank you for reading :)"


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@monibubu   I had a few stories and scenarios in my head and wanted to see them come to life.


@simplesdimples  this was really helpful, but i'm still too nervous to write a story, what got you started?