
Hey guys!!!  One of us here (take a lucky guess)!  Anyways, we uploaded our latest chapter (chapter 3) and if you haven't checked it out, go over and look at it... NOW!! and COMMENT!! And VOTE!! They are doubley-appreciated (since this IS a joint account xD)  Anyways, just curious--anything you'd like to see within the story-- like vague things?  Tell us!!
          	~simpleyicy (one of us at least but just as amazing as the other)


Hey guys!!!  One of us here (take a lucky guess)!  Anyways, we uploaded our latest chapter (chapter 3) and if you haven't checked it out, go over and look at it... NOW!! and COMMENT!! And VOTE!! They are doubley-appreciated (since this IS a joint account xD)  Anyways, just curious--anything you'd like to see within the story-- like vague things?  Tell us!!
          ~simpleyicy (one of us at least but just as amazing as the other)


Im not sick but im not getting the writing done!! D: I don't know whats wrong with me i just DON'T feel it for some reason!! :( im so ashamed of myself!!!!! :( I am going to write a forced chapter that will be done.. err by SUNDAY! you have my word on that


YOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! simpleyicy here (well half of simpleyicy... I'm not telling you which half, but take a lucky guess ;D )  
          Sorry we haven't been uploading, one of us is sick :(  SOO WISH WHOMEVER IT IS BETTER <3 aha but we'll upload ASAP :D  Keep spreading the word and all that good stuff(: <3