Hey babes, sorry for the disappearance, I swear I'm not ignoring anyone. I just got over being sick (I don't know what virus I contracted, but that sh-t was brutal). I'm heading into work now, but I'll get to replies once I'm back home.
Hey babes, sorry for the disappearance, I swear I'm not ignoring anyone. I just got over being sick (I don't know what virus I contracted, but that sh-t was brutal). I'm heading into work now, but I'll get to replies once I'm back home.
At work right now (we're həlla slow) but I'll work on replies once I get home.
My puppy's getting neutered tomorrow, but I haven't decided if I'm going to manic clean my house or mope in bed until he gets back... so we'll see how much I reply then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the manic cleaning is so real lmao all my closets and kitchen cabinets got reorganized today and i cleaned every surface i went insane it’s me and the pink stuff vs the world