
Okay so I guess I stopped like all of my books or stories whatever you what to call them. If you would like to read more off a specific story just comment on this post or any other story, it really doesn't matter  if you do to me. But I think I am going to start another story this one I got to say is my favorite.


Okay so I guess I stopped like all of my books or stories whatever you what to call them. If you would like to read more off a specific story just comment on this post or any other story, it really doesn't matter  if you do to me. But I think I am going to start another story this one I got to say is my favorite.


Hey Angela, I know i've been a dick to you for a while and I sort of wanna tell you why.. 
          We all go to school with our own problems, weighing us down like weights hell made, Every time I talk to you it's like looking into the mirror, one I just want to turn around, You bring up the things I try to forget, Like, family deaths or awful scenarios I've gone through, I want to apologies, but I know you won't care, 'cause it's how I'd respond to this message. I'd respond with a shrug, please Angela, Know I respect you, I act like I hate you so much, but believe me, The people I act like I hate the most, I respect the most. Remember that please.
                                              -Sincerely, your truly messed up friend, Tahnka.


@xBratx okay, So I bring those up because sometimes it is better to talk to those who have gone through similar problems. And sometimes I bring those up because I can't keep them to myself. I can't keep all those hidden memories in for all the years of my life. I don't know why you are saying sorry but, you shouldn't have to. I should be saying sorry to you. Sorry. - your friend Angela