
Like what the hell is wrong with this new spin off of Barrister Babu? Bondita and Anirudh had twin kids, a boy and a girl. But here, they have shown two girls! Also, all that pictures on the wall were of Choti Bondita only, none of the picture had badi Bondita? Like are they try trying to depict that Bondita died in young age, if so, how come the kids are there? Like what is happening???!


@simply_khushi that's too yaar anidita have twin one boy and girl.. don't know if they make any twist on that the baby boy is not there and children changed and i really dislike how they put mala on young look very embarrassing they can use both bonditas childhood and episode they must be use badi bondita photo what we saw in the bts but they can use it on promo also 


@simply_khushi they are trying to portray that  Ani impregnated Bon when she was child in this promo. 


Like what the hell is wrong with this new spin off of Barrister Babu? Bondita and Anirudh had twin kids, a boy and a girl. But here, they have shown two girls! Also, all that pictures on the wall were of Choti Bondita only, none of the picture had badi Bondita? Like are they try trying to depict that Bondita died in young age, if so, how come the kids are there? Like what is happening???!


@simply_khushi that's too yaar anidita have twin one boy and girl.. don't know if they make any twist on that the baby boy is not there and children changed and i really dislike how they put mala on young look very embarrassing they can use both bonditas childhood and episode they must be use badi bondita photo what we saw in the bts but they can use it on promo also 


@simply_khushi they are trying to portray that  Ani impregnated Bon when she was child in this promo. 


Hiii Everybody!!! 
          It's kinda rude of me to just disappear without any explanation. I know you guys are waiting for the story to proceed, and believe, I am waiting for myself to write further too *sheepish smile*. My exams are just on top of my head. My day starts with my books and ends with it. I barely get time to just sit, relax and write. My mind is just so messed up and occupied that I am just not able to proceed with the story currently. But believe me, the day my exams will get over, that is 17th November, I will re start my writing journey. Until then the story will be on hold. 
          I hope you hold on to me like you have always been doing for so long! *Teary smile* I love you guys so so much! See you guys soon! 
          To just let you all know, after my exams I am thinking of starting a new story too, not a fanfiction, but a general story, bringing out mental health topics! I hope you guys will support it too! It's just a rough idea I have somewhere in mind, let's see where it goes.
          *Love Love and Lots Love!*


@simply_khushi Thank you and my pleasure to help you


@BhaktiGhag Woowwww!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! This is the best thing I heard today!!!! Lots of love to youuu!!!! I hope I can expect some guidance in future if I need❤️ 


@simply_khushi No, now I am CA cleard in MAY 2022


I am reading a story, and I am flabbergasted by the reality and ideology of the world! Like how can such ideologies can even exist in this century, and that too in young teens?
          *Ignore the mistakes
          So the basic plot of the story is that there is a happily married couple, though the wife is a bit selfish and career oriented and a super strong character. Husband wants a kid, but wife doesn't.  Wife had aborted about twice or thrice without her husband's knowledge. One day out of nowhere the husband marries another woman to save her life. The woman leaves him alone as a pay for his favour but ends up getting up a caretaker job in her husband's home. The husband and first wife leave for another country for like two years, while the first wife and the family stays not knowing about the second wife. Second wife being the innocent and young goes through logs of hardships and bad experiences right from her childhood and was an orphan. The husband falls in love with her looking at her dedication and innocence and care for him which he might not have received from first wife, still claiming that he loves his first wife equally. They consummate and live like couple with first wife being mostly out due to work. The truth comes out in front of everybody, the first wife, first time ever in her life breakdowns. She is found out to be pregnant and tries to threaten husband to leave with the kid if he chooses his second wife. He makes it clear to her that he won't leave his second wife despite of her decision and threat. She tries to threaten second wife who only wants her husband's happiness and the second wife leaves for the sake of his happiness. The husband wants first wife, second wife and the kid! All together!
          (Second wife is nowhere at fault.)
          Yet people are cursing the first wife?! How and why?! 
          I would love to know views of you guys!


Link?? Or name??


@simply_khushi frankly speaking....that booking depressed and disturbed me. 


@simply_khushi Ikr!!! Biggest reason I stopped reading that book. I would be have ended in depression. The readers scared me a lot. The real world is full of people like them. 