
Hey, I know I've been gone for a while
          	I'm sorry
          	I've got to find myself and I need to be away from people and social media that could influence me to be anything but who I am.
          	I'm going to miss every single one of you guys
          	I'll be back though
          	I'll be better and stronger (mentally) and I'll be okay
          	I just need space to breath and be me
          	I love all of you ❤


Hey, I know I've been gone for a while
          I'm sorry
          I've got to find myself and I need to be away from people and social media that could influence me to be anything but who I am.
          I'm going to miss every single one of you guys
          I'll be back though
          I'll be better and stronger (mentally) and I'll be okay
          I just need space to breath and be me
          I love all of you ❤


Hello everyone!
          I know I haven't talked to any of toy in a while and I apologize for that, but I've started a new book that I think will help you all get to know me better.
          Also, I have news on where I'm moving to! I'll post pictures in e book when I get there.
          For now feel free to ask questions
          I'll try my best to answer them all
          Bye Bye! ❤


I know how to spell stuff.....