
What has everyone heard about WordPress? I see more people switching over to that site, comments?
          	ALSO: I may be posting a HALLOWEEN story! It will be published October 30, so you may enjoy it on Halloween!


I'm really sorry about not writing but I'm trying to work on something I want to have published one day and am dedicating a lot of time to getting an outline and draft done. 


@Amc1098 It's hard work writing!  Not to mention motivation and time. At least you have dedication! Keep up the good work, I'll probably check out some of your works :) since (2 years ago) you've checked out mine lol. Have a great day!  Hope you have fun writing & it comes easily to you!
            (Sorry to just appear lol, you commented on one of my stories 2 years ago, and I just responded to it now, so I thought maybe you were inactive so I looked at your page to find out)