
I think Lixi's getting a kik whoo


Announcement~ I deleted Five Nights At Ashe's. Why? Several reasons- 
          1. Lost the covers to Lixi and Lizz's storys, since they were in this too.
          2. Wasn't really feeling it, neither was the others (the idea is free, so you can take it)
          3. None of us are good at writing that stuff. Were just pretty good at teen fiction and genral fiction.
          I hope you guys understand, and maybe in the next week Lizz will come out with her new book ^_^ 


Helllllloooo followers. So, a new upcomming book is Lillianna, Elizabeth, and I if we were in FNAFs. Its different though; the author opened up a shop of whatever, invited their IRL friends and then did things like it FNAFs. Though, the animatronics represent our characters, so there will be no Bonnie or Chica. Each one of our characters will be the animatronics, and madness will happen. So, all followers, if you'd like gather round each of your IRL friends and do this little challenge. Its quite fun. Each person write a totally different story and they dont have to be related in any way, but they can of course. Just dropping by to tell you guys that ~ Ashe