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TO all the people who are still here, patiently waiting for an update on Take a Chance. Thank you for being patient. I appreciate it a lot. I'm hoping to start writing again. I am hoping that I will be able to update a little bit more. School has been my main focus (as well as work) and haven't gotten the time to sit down for and hour or two and just write. So thank you for being patient and hopefully a new chapter should be up by next week. I don't really know what should happen next with Meghan and Shawn, I'm a little stuck, but hopefully I cant write something, even if it's not the best to be, it may spark some type of idea in me. Any way, sorry for the long message, but just wanted to let people know that I am indeed alive and plan to update soon. I just need to write it. Unfortunately people can't pull a thousand word chapter out of their ass. At least I can't. If you can well shit, bravo you have a talent. Anyway I'm now rambling, but hope people are having a good summer or whatever. Enjoy life to the fullest and a new chapter is in the works. Patience is key and a virtue.
Lots of love , xoxox