
I didn't sleep (again) why am I so bad at taking care of myself someone pls do it for me I'm so sorry 


this message may be offensive
Hi guys. This is me signing off for the next month because finals are a thing no matter how much we want them to not be. 
          Just remember that I love all your support and I love all of you guys who read my stuff and leave feedback and all that great stuff. And I feel like I don't do this enough. 
          And I know I never post much (even though I have "potential" lmaoo) and that I should really get started on an idea I really like and try to finish a novel. 
          But don't worry, it's on my summer bucket list. And I plan on getting that shit done. So fingers crossed. 
          And lastly, don't leave messages saying "update" because I remove them. I owe you all of my gratitude but I don't owe you my work. 
          Thanks for understanding. 
          Once again, 
          All the love. 