I’ve been feeling i don’t know...left out almost anywhere but home. I mean I can tolerate my own family but not outside of my household. I really don’t want to assume because I feel like my friends are replacing me and just using me for quizzes and assignments. And whenever I have an idea in like a role play, musical theater, even the short film, they dismissed my ideas. I get it they don’t understand as much as I am. Which made me feel left out like if I were absent for the whole week, none of my classmates would notice me gone. And Wattpad is like another home...or what I think it was since it’s hella dead and I know some of you are very busy in life because you might be an adult with responsibilities and I’m just a common random teen who is almost at her 17 in a few weeks. So again, what I’m saying I am quitting officially from Wattpad. I don’t know why but please don’t overthink it’s your fault for it is my fault for feeling like this. Because of feeling left out almost anywhere now even here, I want to drop contacts from you all. It’s just to me, I’d rather make myself on my own than to have someone else to make me on my own. So this is a farewell message and please don’t overthink I’m going to take my life subcription for I am still a pu$$y doing that. Thank you guys for being there for me since the lockdown and making my life more exciting and even until now, even though you guys probably or probably not read this stupid message rant cause again I’m just a random angsty teen in senior high school who just having some stupid depressing hormones. As my farewell for you and last message, don’t be like me. Stay happy and get on your feet everytime life gets you down. I’ve been pushed down all the time and even being depressed and anxious, I still managed to live and hell I am even surprised I’m still alive until now. I’ll be deleting or logging out after 24 Hours. So this is it. I love you guys so much and I’ll never forget about you ;)

@simpy_wimpy_dimpy I wish I was here to give you a hug goodbye.. But may your travels on the path of life lead you on many wonderful adventures no matter how small or how big✨️