Hello. To all the people that read 'Him and I', I think I'm going to delete it. It has so much obscene language and to be honest that's not really how I saw my first book progressing. Not only that but I feel like it's just not me. I like cliché stories and that's what it was going to be at first. I thought that Daniel would change and they'd get back together but a few chapter down the road made me realise that I didn't want that, that maybe Daniel should have a best friend and that Sarah would fall in love with him. I don't really know. I want to write something that will stand out that isn't the normal gangleaders and badboys, however, I think that's what I'll start with. I think I'll write something cliché and when I'm really I'll brainstorm something better. Who knows, it may even be something that I experienced. I just need time. I saw so many friends write books on here an I thought that it would be easy so I jumped right into one. I know my mistake now. Anyways, thanks for listening to me ramble.