
I listen to ASMR while I write my books...


Hi... I stumbled upon your profile and checked your books. After reading the description on 1st book I have added it in my library.
          I see you are willing to publish your books someday in future. But I saw you havent wrote any copyright notice on your books, and suggest you to write one as a writer here myself.
          That's all!
          Just to make it clear this is not a ReadforRead, VoteforVote thing. However, I will be reading your book after getting done with all the updates I need to do for my book.
          I just decided writing this message after noticing no copyrights.
          Keep it up! And best of luck.


Just an update. I’ve had some family stuff going on since early this morning so I’ve been pretty busy. I’ve got some down time now to work on getting this book out for you. It’ll be either tonight or tomorrow! I know some of y’all are super excited and I appreciate the support and messages 


THE TRINITY SEQUEL UPDATE: Hey guys! Its be a long 8 months trying to get this ready for you. I’m finishing up some final touches and getting ready to post it TOMORROW. Not sure the time so I’ll keep you all updated! Thanks for all your support