
Sorry for the long absence... Again. Updates on both fics this weekend!! :D


please help !! ... I became obsessed with this story of yours and I read it all, and it is truly a very beautiful story. It has always become in my thoughts. I cannot skip it and I think I will not be able to. Your way of writing is creative. I hope you will continue writing stories and finish a story(Wrapped around your finger)and make them a very happy ending because I love them so much 
          This story of yours will always remain my favorite. I have never felt immersed in the atmosphere of any story like this before 


@ SATOSUGU27 omg thank you so much ❤️❤️ I'm so happy to see you like it so much


I’d like to give you a bit feedback on your newest satosugu fanfic so far!
          I really enjoy your writing style, you mentioned English is not your first language but tbh it is really on an advanced level, there are only a few typos which are probably due to fast typing so no need to worry!!
          Ongoing to your writing style again, I really need to say the way you structured it makes me ask myself how far you’ve planned the story before actually writing it. Again, really impressive.
          How you introduced the reader with the present and then after catching their interest continuing with the past makes the reader want to read more and more until they’re done (you end chapters with really good cliffhangers/time skips so I indeed read your fic in one go yesterday)
          AND THEN AFTER BEING IN THE PAST YOU’RE TAKING THE INTRODUCTION TO THE PRESENT so the reader finally understands why satoru cries seeing geto
          Really good foreshadowing!!
          But! I would like to tell you that I did see a few comments confused about the past and present
          So I’d recommend you to write “1995 (present)” and “1993 (past)” so your readers understand where you’re heading.
          All in all I’m really excited about the next chapter and maybe you’re asking yourself why I’m praising your work so much :’D
          I just believe “unknown” writers need to also hear something from their audience so they also have some kind of motivation:))


@karottensack God, this message made my evening and probably the next few days, I'm always happy to see that people like what I write :DDD
            I appreciate and thank you for your suggestion, I will take it into account when I start correcting the chapters. 
            Thank you very much for all these kind words, you are right, it's a great motivation for me, and I love reading your opinions because I know what I do good, what I should work on more and what to focus on in the future. Thank you <33


Sorry for such a long break, but don't worry, I'm alive. I'm just having a hard time lately.
          I'm working on chapters for Wrapped around your finger. The update will appear maybe this weekend, maybe next week (I hope). It's definitely closer than farther


@ emikoqq  ❤️❤️


Glad you're back !!! And no need to pressure yourself to upload if you're having a hard time. Hope everything gets better <333