
It has been three years since I last interacted on this app, much has changed and I miss you guys. I have been thinking about Tangled Love for quite sometime now, maybe I will pick it up someday.
          	Looking back at all these bollywood fanfictions I wrote makes me laugh a lot because it was so naïve but it is a part of me so I am not entirely embarrassed by it.
          	How is everyone doing? I wish to start writing again, maybe this time I will actually type out a few words before I get all overwhelmed. Thank you for sticking around!


Awww I hope you are ok tho? I know this place doesn’t feel the same anymore either but truly you are one of my all time fav writers :)) keep going love 


@JustbeingA ahah. i understand why you would think so haha. none taken.


Hey, Sing! I hope you're doing well. I read your story Tangled Love and I must say it is one of the most beautiful depictions of sapphic desi love on Wattpad!
          Would you be interested in helping me in my academic research project for university? It's on the Representation of the Indian LGBTQ+ community on Wattpad. 
          I noticed that you've written some incredible fan fiction as well so I know your responses shall be invaluable to the research ✨☺️.
          The survey will only take 5-7 minutes to complete.
          Your consent is very important and all the responses are totally confidential. No personal information except your Wattpad username shall be asked. 
          I really hope you'll contribute in a meaningful way to this small initiative toward equality in India.


It has been three years since I last interacted on this app, much has changed and I miss you guys. I have been thinking about Tangled Love for quite sometime now, maybe I will pick it up someday.
          Looking back at all these bollywood fanfictions I wrote makes me laugh a lot because it was so naïve but it is a part of me so I am not entirely embarrassed by it.
          How is everyone doing? I wish to start writing again, maybe this time I will actually type out a few words before I get all overwhelmed. Thank you for sticking around!


Awww I hope you are ok tho? I know this place doesn’t feel the same anymore either but truly you are one of my all time fav writers :)) keep going love 


@JustbeingA ahah. i understand why you would think so haha. none taken.


hey guys, since i am back after so long - can you suggest me some writers to follow and some books ( desi, bollywood ) to read?? it can be yours or your friends or anybody. i wanna be active at voting and commenting.
          thank you (:


@singdanaa aaaa bAby I love uuu❤️❤️✨✨✨


@HumayraBabe you don't have to say baby, I have already added it to my library. 