Damnsorry i havent been answering or keeping contact but hey, if wattpad works you have reached 110 views! Thats amazing gorgeous and im sorry again im gonna start physical college like on monday so yeah but school can suck a*$ idc congrats on the 110 views lovely!

@MathSvcks nah dw, english ain't my first language either, I'm pretty sure u got right tho. And thank you darling

@singingocean123 yeah uh either im getting my english wrong or not im aorry if i got it not write but only for me to know and my first launguage isnt english so i might have gotten it wrong tho congrats

@MathSvcks woah!!! I didn't know u were in college!!! That's awesome love! Sorry I'm replying so late, I wasn't online on wattpad for a while, anyways, ya, I hope college is going well tho!!