

Hi I am sorry for asking but are you going to continue the trilogy?


@OfficialBookdragon Hiya, no worries, the trilogy is complete! Unfortunately I'm too busy with work at the moment to focus on editing and uploading it to Wattpad, but you can read it in its entirety on where I originally posted it. One day I will get it all up on here but no guarantees of when, so if you'd like to read it all in the near future I would head over to fanfic :)


It's finally here, book two! I'm so sorry for anyone who has been waiting. It will be a slower process than I thought. Hopefully chapter two will be up later today, but I can't make any promises for the rest of it. It is all finished, but editing seems to slip to the bottom of my to-do list now I'm back working. Just need to get back into the pre-pandemic routine I guess (can we ever??). Anyway, do let me know what ou think, here is the link:


Chapter fourteeeeeen! I really like this one for its mixture of lighthearted friend fluff, tense moments, and little hints of things to come. I thought it was a filler at the time I wrote it, but now I see it's quite important, and one of my favs :) ARAGORN BEING COOL? BIRTHDAY PARTY WITH HOBBITS? LEGOLAS BEING A TEENY BIT FLIRTY AND KEREN NOT REALISING? IN FACT, LEGOLAS NOT REALISING EITHER? GANDALF TOTALLY CLOCKING IT? YES PLEASE. Read it here: