Hey all, this is my first post so I was pretty clueless what to write untill someone suggested write your favourite quote or about your favourite character. So I settled on favourite quote while keeping my favourite character for my next awkward post. So here goes nothing.
Power said to the world, "You are mine."
The world kept it prisoner on her throne.
Love said to the world, "I am thine."
The world gave it the freedom of her house.
-Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds
Humans are always power hungry. But we are nothing but prisoners to this world. This was something I once said to my friend when COVID-19 started. The above quote I read from a book long back. The book was 'Brother', a chinese novel. And ever since then, it has kinda stuck somewhere in my mind.
Please respect nature people.
That is all. I had nothing to say at first, now I have so much to reach to the people.