Bless those student's hearts for making it out of the high school shooting...I'm praying that the 15 victims who were injured make it...and hoping the parents of the 17 victims who didn't make it do not have mental problems or let that hold them back in life. hopefully schools will have better security because this was too devastating and traumatizing...
I JUST SAW THE TRAILER FOR SEASON 2 0F 'A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS'! IT'S KILLING ME! every thing is WAY worse than season 1. my heart is pumping...AAAAAHHHHH! I can't wait! XD
Okay yeah hi! I'm definitely going to start posting stories. I'm thinking of doing a Dang Matt Smith x reader! I'm the only one who likes him.( I think..) so yeah. I'm going to bed cause it's almost like 2 in the morning. Okay BYE!