
woah surprise i'm alive and totally irrelevant again, just like top currently cause they done ghosted on us, but anyway, i'm 18 and graduated af and i have a new acc for anyone who cares and also enjoys kpop at all because yup i did it y'all, i fell into it. anyway, shutting up now, my new acc is @daydreamingyoongi and i still ship joshler srrynotsrry


woah surprise i'm alive and totally irrelevant again, just like top currently cause they done ghosted on us, but anyway, i'm 18 and graduated af and i have a new acc for anyone who cares and also enjoys kpop at all because yup i did it y'all, i fell into it. anyway, shutting up now, my new acc is @daydreamingyoongi and i still ship joshler srrynotsrry


this message may be offensive
your personality fucking sucks. you're opinionated and you act like you know and have experienced every pain anyone could ever possibly know or experience and you talk about everything like it doesn't matter unless you can relate which is by far the biggest turn off i've ever seen in someone and it's unfortunate because you actually write well. it's just a shame that you don't know how to live and keep your mouth shut when you should at the same time. 


@fueledbyblurryface punch her she sounds absolutely awful


@starboyowen nonononono of course not??? it's about this girl  Kayla in my English class who i'm probably going to punch soon


@fueledbyblurryface is the first line @ me


quick update: things are actually sort of starting to work out for me??! i just turned 16, i have two jobs, a potential girlfriend, i'm in the process of attaining my drivers licence and i've started setting aside dates to visit post secondary schools (colleges & universities) in the new year i am thriving