A lover of horror who's not a serial killer • A bisexual who's not polygamous • A lover of all things black who's not satanic (nor racist) 


Strange, peculiar, and dark matters are my cup of tea. Though paranormal is very interesting, I personally am more fascinated by the "real horrors" -- serial killers, true crime, mysteries, you name it. Unlike ghosts and spirits that lurk in haunted places, there are humans with evil minds who happen live among us. They are the most tangible monsters out there, catching prey with their clever yet twisted ways. It's weird but it fascinates me what brings them to think the way they do. And before it starts to sound like I am turning into a serial killer myself, I'm going to tell you right now that I am NOT. There is still a thick line between my fascination and acting it out in real life. I want to keep my conscience clean as much as possible.

Aside from serial killers, I also have a sort of interest in mental illnesses. Like I have said earlier, I have a knack for analyzing what makes people think the way they do. I have always been curious about stuff of the like.

Poetry and verse are also stuff I've been interested in. There is a certain art in rhyming words to make a point and share a story.

Probably the last crucial part of my personality is my sexuality. I am bisexual and no, that does not mean that I am polygamous. I support the LGBTQ+ community and am looking forward to writing stories about the gender spectrum to help break stereotypes.
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  • JoinedApril 15, 2017

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