
this message may be offensive
ayup new pfp just dropped (yall the writing block is mad, i may just post some short stories or some shit bc i’m DRY) o(-(


this message may be offensive
i could always post smut too. the gods know i have tons of that shit stocked up in these grubby hands


this message may be offensive
ayup new pfp just dropped (yall the writing block is mad, i may just post some short stories or some shit bc i’m DRY) o(-(


this message may be offensive
i could always post smut too. the gods know i have tons of that shit stocked up in these grubby hands


lolol imagine finding out you’re aroace and then questioning whether or not you’re nonbinary ahahah that’d be so haha funny.
          anyway, any no binies (or other gender benders) that have any advice or tips for figuring out one’s gender identity?? 


@sinnizter You're welcome, glad to help :)


@WriterAgreste tysm for the response! I definitely want to experiment with more androgynous clothes and slightly shorter haircuts, but I appreciate you mentioning patience. I’ll try my hardest to remain such. ty again <3


@sinnizter Experiment! That worked out well for me, if you can find some friends or at least one who you can trust, try going back and forth with what you think may work. Don't worry if things don't work out as easily as you've thought, finding myself was hard enough without my family still thinking I present as a woman. 
            Patience is key. The whole thing took me years to get where I am now.