
"The amount of sleep required by the average person is five more minutes" by Wilson Mizener. What is he talking about!? I need thirty more minutes! God I hate having to wake up.


A women was created to help protect a man's heart, so that it doesn't become as hard as the soil he came from.


@MiriFern Hey there,I'd like to know what you think of my book,soo please read it. Its titled: An Angel's Tears On a Demon's Palm. Sounds good? Go on dive in and tell me what you think,it would mean a lot to me. Thanks in advance!


@VaineLuchia. I was being romantic. You just turned on the lights on a dimly lit room that smells like roses and stuff. You should read some Shakespear or go to Paris,I highly recommend that;)


Sooo like my phone kinda fainted. So I had one those moments where the world stops spinning,and I yelled that dramatic slow-mo "NOOO!!" Then nothing happened,then I prayed saying"oh God please bring back my phone,I'll um feed the poor, become a nun and create world peace. Just,just please bring it back to me!" Then my room mate assisted me with it and every thing was cool.then I prayed once more" yeah um... about what I said earlier..." You get what I mean. Desperate times right? Lesson learned, don't promise what you can't give,ever!;)


Ladies and gentlemen! (clears throat) I'd like to inform you of a fatal situation that has befallen the city of ME? What happened ? Well today I had to write a very long history test then tomorrow I have to write physics ooh ooh and um a subject with long biological terms that sound like something out of a Tarzan movie. Take a guess,life Sciences. Soooooo yeah kill me now!*silence in the room* umm okay ...*meekly walks away with pouty lips*


It is somrthimes better to see yourself through the eyes of other people since all we do is condemn ourselves too harshly for little mistakes. Mybe if you look at yourself through the eyes of your loved ones,you may just see how special you are.