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Mentally, other than the massive underlying stress of college looking over my head, I haven't felt this good since like sixth grade. I haven't made one of my embarrassing little journal ass posts here in a while so here's one for the record. Most of the reason that I haven't been super active on here is because I actually made some really good friends and I no longer spend every second of my freetime on the internet. It's a great place though, and fuck any adult that says otherwise (and disregard the fact that I am an adult). If the internet wasn't there I probably wouldn't be here right now. It was pretty much my only distraction during that year or so when I was kind of at my lowest ever. And while my last post was me asking the zero people who read this to check in on me, this post is me reassuring the zero people that read this that shit works out in the end, and if it doesn't, you'll die anyway and you won't have to experience it :) I've never really had a best friend before, never really felt a true connection with any of my past friends. Then I moved schools and it got even worse because I literally had no one to talk to for an entire year and a half and I was kind of under the impression that I would be lonely for the rest of my life because I wasn't really worthy of friendship or love. Obviously that was kind of fucked up for me to think because everyone deserves love and friendship. And randomly the universe decided to grant me a favor and I met two of the coolest people ever who (mostly unknowingly) brought me out of a pretty dark place. I feel pretty damn good.