
my parents have started monitoring all my online activity.
          	which means this is goodbye.
          	I love you guys. Even if there were only, like, three of you.
          	Thanks for everything.


Oof my parents do too and they almost never check my Wattpad 


Announcer: Calling all my WOF Writers!!!!!!!! Are you ready for the greatest completion of all time!!!! *Crowd Cheers* Well let me present the one and only host of the WOF Writing Challenge!! *Crowd Cheers louder then stops when I get on stage*
          Me: Testing Testing *Mic Feedback* Ow......Well hello everyone.....
          Announcer: *Whispers to me*
          Me: Oh right
          Me: Are Y'all ready? *I say and the crowd cheers very very loudly*
          Me: Good cause we've got a lot to discus, first the fact that not a singe one of you has not even registered to enter the writing challenge is unacceptable!
          Me: Second, Come on Y'all LOVEEEEEE writing. It's like second nature to you! And  also Y'all love WOF!!!! So the two combined should be well.....*makes explosion noises* EXPLOSIVE.
          Me: So why have I gotten no registration!
          *Everyone starts making up excuses*
          Me: Actually, I don't want to hear the excuses! All I  just want you to sign up! Imagine winning this though! You'd be so amazing and you would earn my respect and so many others respect! Also if you want to do this Anonymously because you're uncomfortable sharing your writing....well here's an opportunity!
          Anyways I better see some registration, and if you don't just know I can see you!
          Here's the Link! (●'◡'●)


my wattpad account may be redacted. my mom is looking through my email stuff and won't let me on. I'm scared as hell, help. But if I ever leave... for those I know, I love you all. You'll always be in my heart. For those I don't.... hi. I hope I leave behind a tiny legacy, no matter how small, and I want you to know you matter, you can do it, and you are worth it.


hey okay sorry for ghost ping from earlier chat! (by chat I mean my like two active followers lol)
          venting on wattpad is to say the least, difficult, especially when you overthink, overreact and overanylyze a friendship with your squish. It's not like venting on Discord, because there are select servers on Discord and most venting channels have a no-reply rule.
           Because when you vent on wattpad, every single wattpad user in the history of the world can see you.
           So I'm setting up some venting rules on my account.
           One. Vents will be up until they are no longer true or I stop getting frustrated over the situation. Like if I vent about [y] hating me, the vent will be up until either [y] no longer hates me or I longer give a carp. So whatever you reply to a vent, keep in mind it may be taken down soon.
           Two. Vents will be done by me only. Any things like "awww, that's sad almost as sad as the time when..." will be deleted. If I'm venting, more venting probably won't help my mental health. Common sense.
           Three. If you're not going to be comforting, don't say it. Hug emojis and "hope you feel betters" are okay. Just... don't annoy me. (Sorry, Moon. It's just the whole "SO DO YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM??" texting thing was a bit... not at the right time, to say the least.)
           Four. Vents will not be announced so you don't have to worry about ghost pings.


nvm i'm announcing vents bc i'm an attention-obsessed wannabe


finished reading darkstalker.
          I love whiteout.
          She's adorable.


’Cause he didn’t have the GUTS!!!


Why couldn’t Arctic stand up to Darkstalker?


          (okay, okay, fine aroace but who cares)


@sir_olliethegreat Oh and sorry, I deleted it from my account. You can still see it. It's just I think my mom might check it soon.