Hi. I would like to apologize to anyone waiting on 'Qualified For Love'. All I can say, is that I will finish it. I will. I will not allow myself to just ditch it. I have had a rather hard time this year (not because of COVID oddly enough), and for the longest time I could not find it in me to keep writing that story. Even now, I am still struggling. So, in the meantime, I have settled with writing a few short stories, which I will be posting here. Also, I would like to put out there that the last A/N I put into 'Q.F.L.' (and the story idea (?) that was in it) is not happening. At the moment I am extremely salty about love stories, and everything is all over the place... so. Yeah.
So, in the meantime, if you need a good cry, listen to 'Evermore' (Taylor Swift). Stay safe and Keep Writing!
~ Mer♥