
          	I want to apologize for dying, I honestly kinda  forgot Wattpad existed, but I would like to update that my Qualified For Love story is 4 chapters from the end, and that I will not be ditching it. So hurray to that! Once I’m fully done with that y’all might see some actual other novels being written, but don’t get too hopeful, as I’m sure you’ve noticed my update schedule. Anyways, have a great night/day wherever you are!


          I want to apologize for dying, I honestly kinda  forgot Wattpad existed, but I would like to update that my Qualified For Love story is 4 chapters from the end, and that I will not be ditching it. So hurray to that! Once I’m fully done with that y’all might see some actual other novels being written, but don’t get too hopeful, as I’m sure you’ve noticed my update schedule. Anyways, have a great night/day wherever you are!


Hellloooooooo there I'm just putting this here to say that the end is in sight for writing on Qualified For Love, and once I am done there will be at least two chapters up every week. If I'm feeling it, I will post one chapter everyday and y'all can speedrun it to make up for all of the time I've ditched posting the story (in school I would just get so behind, and I like to have a little bit of a schedule. I also wrote a lot of short stories in that time that didn't relate to the main at all. Whoops.). Have a great day/night!!!


Eyyyo sorry I dropped off the earth there for a week. It’s been busy if I’m honest so here’s the plan. I might not have a chapter for QFL poster but I will have more of it written soon, and y’all can expect probably more than one post per week when I’m less busy. Also I should have it all written and posted and finished by late June or early July. Thxs to everyone who has been reading my story, it makes me so happy! Have a good night / day!!! ~Mer♥️


Hello to any and all reading Qualified For Love: there might not be a post this week, and we shall have to see about next week as I have a few weird days and tests coming up (and it was Easter this past weekend so I didn’t get the last chapter up). I was going to try for tonight with the Sun. OR Mon. thing but it won’t work out this week, so I’m sorry. But I promise not to make you guys wait too long (not 5-6 months *cough cough*). I will try for tomorrow though. Thank you all for (hopefully) understanding, and I’ll see u next time! ~Mer❤️


Hello, so I’m here to say whoopsies I forgot today was Sunday . Anyways idk if I mentioned this already or not, but to those of you reading Qualified For Love, you can except weekly update on either Sunday or the Monday after. So, since it’s a little late for me and I have no time to get the next chapter out today, it will be up tomorrow! Have a great rest of your day/night, and have fun in the snow (I’m looking at you friends that live in the same place as me ❄️)!!! ~Mer❤️


Hi. I would like to apologize to anyone waiting on 'Qualified For Love'. All I can say, is that I will finish it. I will. I will not allow myself to just ditch it. I have had a rather hard time this year (not because of COVID oddly enough), and for the longest time I could not find it in me to keep writing that story. Even now, I am still struggling. So, in the meantime, I have settled with writing a few short stories, which I will be posting here. Also, I would like to put out there that the last A/N I put into 'Q.F.L.' (and the story idea (?) that was in it) is not happening. At the moment I am extremely salty about love stories, and everything is all over the place... so. Yeah.
          So, in the meantime, if you need a good cry, listen to 'Evermore' (Taylor Swift). Stay safe and Keep Writing!
                                                                                                            ~ Mer♥