I stand with Palestine. I dont need to explain myself but I will anyways. Ok so first of all Isreal isn’t even a country, israel illegally occupied Palestine since 1967. Second of all, these are some of the things that Israel did to Palestine when the world wasn’t/isn’t watching since 2008 till today:
1. Bombing campaigns
2. Settle violence
3. Journalists killed
4. Protestors executed
5. Fishermen shot
6. Settlement expansion
7. Home demolitions
8. Village invasions
9. Mass arrests and torture
10. Siege and blockage
11. Ethnic cleansing
There is more but you get my point. Third of all, Some of you might say but that doesn’t mean that palestinians have to murder children and teen and people but did you know that in 152,560 Palestinians were injured during the last 16 years while only 6,307 Israeli were injured in 16 years. Same duration yet you notice how there is 146,253 difference between both of them. Since this Saturday, 413 Palestinians, including 78 children, were killed and 2,300 people wounded. And when Palestine finally attacks back, most people support Isreal for whatever dumb reason. Some might say that we(people who support Palestine) are hating on Jewish people because I seriously don’t know why, but we dont have a problem with Jewish people we have a problem with Israel. I’m a Muslim And I am taught to not judge or hate people based on their skin color and their religion. So no I dont hate Israel because they have some Jewish people in it but I hate it for all the crimes it did.