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Just need to rant a little, feel ***free*** to ignore this. But goddd, first of all, why is it that my school has to have Saturday as a school day. Why can't they just be normal??? And then, ofcourse, my school *has* to be all Christian and upright and every single morning i have to go to chapel, assembly and listen to these sermons- which are so full of contempt and hypocrisy. today, one of the teacher's I especially didn't like was speaking, and omgggg, the way she was basically shouting and scolding the whole student body (seniors, she's sweet to the juniors atleast) for absolutely nooo reason, and at the end being like, 'oh it's all for your good, oh it's because I *love* you all so much' like bitch please- is that why you litrlly publicly humiliated one of my classmates for "bullying" your son? like- I'm all for standing up for bullying, but it was just a little teasing, and they seemed to *easily* turn a blind eye to the actual, really really toxic environment, especially among the girls. I have such a problem with these people, especially the principal. Sure, they preach goodwill to all and you *must* follow these rules and be a good Samaritan, but come on, it's so obvious how you give preferential treatment to your daughters and sons and nieces. And I kinda feel bad for them, like, they have to live all 'upright' and everyone sorta does see them as pampered and spoiled people. I feel kinda uncomfortable with one particular boy, youngest son of the Principal, everything he does seems to have an air of superiority and even when he smiled and laughs, it seems so fake and forced. Anywayssss, just wanted to rant cus I was fricking tired of all these hypocrises, especially by my own classmates who are so pretentious about their 'prayer' and 'god' and yet they smoke, drink, shit talk, swear, say the most vulgar things- ughhhh, and I have literally no one to talk about all that.