
ayy guys sorry I've been kinda inactive lately just lots of schoolwork but I've been getting lots of ideas so u can prob expect a chapter or so of a new story to be published [ hopefully ] sometime soon. merry Christmas and happy new year!


ayy guys sorry I've been kinda inactive lately just lots of schoolwork but I've been getting lots of ideas so u can prob expect a chapter or so of a new story to be published [ hopefully ] sometime soon. merry Christmas and happy new year!


HAPPY GIRLS GENERATION DAY! It's been 9 years since they debuted and I just wanna say thank you to all of the members (including Jessica, though she left ) for putting in so much work and effort for SNEs, and really just thank you for all the great songs and performances. I will really look forward to any of your future works and it's been a pleasure to watch you grow these 9 years and that I LOVE YOU ALL! 소녀시대 사랑해요! 


Ayy so this might sound weird but do any of u guys know any Korean girl names that sound like English names? Like in @hamsol 's book coffee boy there was this girl named seonyeon and it sounded like sea onion. so yeahhh and I'll make sure to mention that it was you who made it up so THANKS SO MUCH, EAT WELL, HAVE A NICE DAY! 
          ps minghao and soonyoung be goin up my bias list damn fast how bout u