
Love Bites | Fun Fact #8 
          	Dong has a large stylised black cobra tattoo that starts from her left shoulder blade and ends at the lower part of her back.
          	This unique work of ink has been the symbol of the Han Household ever since the infamous mass poisoning of the Zhu Household where Dong's ancestors used venom extracted by cobras to poison the opposing clan which eventually resulted in the downfall of the Zhu Clan. The collapse of the Zhu Clan and the stigma the poisoning left on the public were what eventually lead to Dong's family acquiring total control over the area. Centuries later, the Han Household still remains one of the most known and feared clans in the entirety of China's underworld.
          	"Poison of Wuhan" is a phrase often used by locals to describe members of the Han Clan.


Love Bites | Fun Fact #8 
          Dong has a large stylised black cobra tattoo that starts from her left shoulder blade and ends at the lower part of her back.
          This unique work of ink has been the symbol of the Han Household ever since the infamous mass poisoning of the Zhu Household where Dong's ancestors used venom extracted by cobras to poison the opposing clan which eventually resulted in the downfall of the Zhu Clan. The collapse of the Zhu Clan and the stigma the poisoning left on the public were what eventually lead to Dong's family acquiring total control over the area. Centuries later, the Han Household still remains one of the most known and feared clans in the entirety of China's underworld.
          "Poison of Wuhan" is a phrase often used by locals to describe members of the Han Clan.


Love Bites | Fun Fact #7
          All Vampires, (be it Pure-blooded or Embraced), can regenerate. Some at a faster and some at a slower pace.
          It is impossible for Pure-blooded Vampires, (Aristocrats and Royals), to have scars on their bodies since they are born Vampires and always have the ability to regenerate. Embraced Vampires, (Commoners), may have scars from their human self before they were turned but won't be able to have new ones after being embraced.
          'Erythrí Lepis' (meaning 'Red Blade' in English) is the name given to a dagger first used by a Vampire Queen in the late 18th Century. The Red Blade is the only weapon that can physically scar a Vampire and was created through witchcraft to serve as a severe punishing tool. 'Blemished One(s)' is a tittle given to any Vampire that was scarred with Erythrí Lepis. It's a title that no Vampire wants to hold as it brings shame and dishonour to both the marked one but also their offspring(s).
          Red Blades can only be used by Royals since they descend from the First Generation of Vampires, allowing them to control energy which is necessary for the usage of the blade.
          The ability to cast spells depends on one's ability or inability to control energy. With those who can control energy being Casters, (those who can cast spells), and those who don't being Non-Casters, (opposite of Casters).


Love Bites | Fan Fact #6
          Love Bites is a story that takes place in South Korea, however, South Korea is not the only place in the world where Vampires exist.
          The Council of the Elders is a group of Vampires, (Royals), who represent different Vampire Communities from all over the world and only assemble to hold meetings when a threat that affects all Vampires globally appears. In other words, the members of the Council of the Elders are the Queens and Kings of every Vampiric Community that exists.
          Minji's father, (Kim Youngjae), is the King of the Vampire Community in South Korea. He is rumoured to be a descendant of the very 1st line of Vampires that were ever created, making him, (and his offsprings), the literal definition of 'pure-blooded'. Kim Youngjae has been active as a King/Leader from 1920 till the present time.
          Upon a King's or Queen's death their first-born child is by law and tradition the one who takes the throne with the crown moving into other family members should the deceased ruler have never been bound by matrimony or/and has offsprings.


@YoureTheByulToMyKong Vampires live long lives, yes. Youngjae is 120 human years old 


Love Bites | Fan Fact #5
          The Vampire Culture roots itself deeply into Monarchy and the effects of that are visible in the Vampiric Hierarchy. Social statuses play a huge role in a Vampire's future and the only way for a Vampire to move up a class is through heritage, (i.e being born into a high-class family) or marriage to a higher-class, (Royal or Aristocrat) or through a ritual/ceremony performed by a Royal to either demote or promote a Vampire.
          In short, social roles are set stones affected directly by a Vampire's bloodline and descendnce that provide authority to said Vampire within the Hierarchy. With Royals being the tip of the social/power pyramid and Commoners the lowest part.
          Embraced Vampires, (Humans that were turned into Vampires), always fall into the Commoners social status with no exceptions by default.
          This Hierarchy system is extremely biased towards Royals, giving them benefits and authority other classes can only dream of. One of those authorities is a Royal's clearance to demote or promote a Vampire's social status amongst other things.
          Commoners live to serve Aristocrats and Royals. Aristocrats live to serve Royals and Royals live to rule everyone else. Such are the rules and structure of the Vampiric Hierarchy since the beginning of time.


Love Bites | Fun Fact #3
          In the world of Love Bites, Vampires can't morph into bats or wolves like how it's usually portrayed in folklore. In fact, many things have been changed from the traditional tales and rules.
          • For instance, only Royals can cast spells and their spell-cast abilities are limited to only healing and elemental spells.
          • Only Royals and Aristocrats can turn humans into Vampires.
          • The Art of Feasting doesn't always equal in the death of the human or/and animal counterpart.
          • Vampires can drain blood from their victims/donners from other parts of the human body that isn't necessarily the neck (aka any other area where arteries are accessible, i.e wrists)


@YoureTheByulToMyKong Only Royals (like Minji) and Aristocrats (like Dong) can embrace humans, yes. And yes, Yoohyeon and Siyeon can't turn humans to Vampires


@siyeonspout Since only Royals(like Minji) can turn humans into vampire, that means Siyeon can not do that, right??


Love Bites | Fun Fact #2:
          Have you noticed that eye colours hold a lot of significance to Vampires? In the world of Love Bites, one can understand a lot of things from a Vampire's eye colour. One of said things is the Vampire's rank in their society.
          Here's a list of their ranks and their representative eye colours:
          Blue/Red Eyes - Standard eye colour. The base of the pyramid. Lower class. Blue eyes are slightly rarer than red eyes. 
          Amber Eyes - Vampire's with amber eyes are Aristocrats meaning that they have some royal blood in them. The middle/higher class of the pyramid.
          Purple Eyes - the Elite. Vampire's with purple eyes are royalty. They consist of 1% per cent of the Vampire Hierarchy and are usually those who rule over the rest. These Vampires can usually control elemental spells and are overall above the rest. Purple Eyes are super rare and both parents need to be Royals for their child to have them. It's extremely rare for a turned Vampire to express Purple Eyes even if their Kisser is a Royal, the chances are incredibly thin.
          Note: Heterochromia is extremely rare but possible. This usually happens either when a human is turned into a Vampire by an Aristocrat or Royal, (Embraced), or when the Vampire is the offspring of an Aristocrat or Royal, (Pure-blooded), or even the offspring of a human and a Vampire, though that is even rarer and usually Dhampirs, (half-vampire half-human), have either red eyes or any other eye colour that isn't Amber, Blue and/or Purple. Dhampirs don't have a rank in the Vampire Hierarchy, meaning that they have even less authority than the lower class and little to no rights.


            You're welcome xD


Thanks for educating me


@siyeonspout  istg the thing that I'm learning way more stuff from you than my school teachers-- 


Love Bites | Fun Fact #1:
          After graduating from National Police University, Siyeon was awarded the rank of Inspector, (Police Lieutenant). She's also Vice Head of the police station she works at.


@siyeonspout she can arrest me any day she wants 