"The world of books is the most remarkable creation of man. Nothing else that he builds ever lasts. Monuments fall; nations perish; civilizations grow old and die out; and, after an era of darkness, new races build others. But in the world of books are volumes that have seen this happen again and again, and yet live on, still young, still as fresh as the day they were written, still telling men's hearts of the hearts of men centuries dead." - Clarence Shepard Day

I Love to live in it FOREVER


If we encounter a man of rare intellect, we should ask him what books he reads.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Trying to figure in out (coz what I believed is not what it become... \ ( * . * \ )
  • JoinedJuly 26, 2015

Last Message
sjp4111 sjp4111 Jul 05, 2020 09:20PM
I don’t know y every book I like have put on hold 
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