


Yeah, the story about the vampire x reader will definitely be postponed until further notice. My apologies to those who were actually looking forwards to it and reading it. >m<
          The good news is that the fifth chapter of the newest story is up and posted! Hope y'all enjoy!


okay, so something funny just happened.
          i went to a pta meeting bc one of my photos i submitted for a pta reflection won an award, and after the awards were given out there was bingo. so i thought, "hey, why not just play bingo?"
          i won 4 times. after the third they booted me from prize rights  (in case yall r wondering what prizes there were and what i got, they were all gift cards and i snagged a roblox one and 2 mcdonald's ones)


anyone wanna read about a nightmare i just had?
          pt 1: i had just gotten home from something and some of my friends were there (not sure who, all faces were blurred). i went upstairs to my room, and there was someone lying in my bed, his blood staining the mattress (i didn't see his face, all i know is that he had brown, fluffy hair). i started to get rly scared and i was looking around my room at each of my friends when i realized that my pikachu stuffed animal wasn't in its designated spot in my room. i looked to one of my friends and they were looking scared, hand trembling as they pointed to something outside of my door. i looked, and there was just a tall, white slender body, no head, leaning against the wall just a mere yard away. something about it just made me know that the thing was the killer of the person who was in my bed. i panicked, and quickly slammed the door shut, locking it, but i could tell the thing was stronger, and would most likely bust the door down, though locked. so, once again i panicked; i threw open the door, sprinted downstairs, out of the house, and ran to my next door neighbor's.
          pt 2: i looked inside of the door window once i got there, and noticed they were all getting ready for dinner. i hit the doorbell and waited for one of them to come over to the door, trying to calm my irregular breathing. i felt bad for leaving my friends in my house, the very room the being was in, alone and afraid. but i knew i had to if i wanted to get out alive. one of my neighbors finally opened the door, it was the mom.
          "skie? what happened; why are you so out of breath?" she asked me.
          "there's a serial killer in the neighborhood," i said, panting. "and he's in my house."
          right after that i woke up.


guess who had their first kiss on sunday?? I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED LIKE AAAAA-
          (btw i'm between 14-16 yrs old so this was kinda a big deal for me, and me n my partner-they're nonbinary-r almost at our 1 year!!)
          basically posting my previous announcement but announcing it bc i made that minor mistake, oopsies- :3


this message may be offensive
k, a bit of an update for yall who care: apparently my parents aren't homophobic, they're (or at least my mom is, i haven't talked to my father yet) just trying to protect me from people who might bully me because of my identity. does she realize that she's hurting me more by not allowing me to dress how i want to than any hurtful words any bully could have said? i just don't really understand her sometimes, i wish i could live with one of my friends who have better parents (they all pretty much do).
          oh yeah, also, my sis is even worse. she's an adult and going to college, but when she comes home (she's coming home this weekend), i'd much rather be in hell, and that's not over exaggerating things at all. she will literally fucking hit me whenever she is near me, and if i go crying to my parents, then she backs off for the time being, but i just get hurt worse the instance my parents are gone. she treats me like a fucking doll, ordering me to prance around the house and wait on her hand and foot, and she also is a bitch verbally. she says some seriously hurtful shit that brings my mental health lower than it already is. i try to avoid her like the plague whenever she's home, but it's quite difficult to.
          she, my mother, and my father all aren't the most welcoming to the lgbtq+ community. when we were on a college tour once, there was someone who went by he/they pronouns (i was admiring them from afar ofc), and the second we were out of earshot of the person and their dad, my family all started making some lame, shallow ass jokes, making fun of the person's pronouns.
          it's people like these who seriously make my life a living hell.


@BattleNexxus damn, i can tell that reply took you a lot. but they already think of me as antisocial, and they try to seriously limit my screentime (video games are the only place where i feel free and safe ofc) so it's a tad bit hard to try to remain looking for the bright side.


@skie_m Okay, I feel for you. I really do. My family is the same. You just need to find what works for you to get you by until you can get out of your shitty situation and into one that makes you feel valid and supported. Hold onto the people who make you feel loved, and don't let go. Seriously. And then, if your family still doesn't support you, as shitty as it is, you may find you need to limit contact to protect yourself, and that's okay. In the end, if you have to cut them off entirely because they're toxic, it'll suck, but remember none of it is your fault; They made their choice to not accept you, so then you have to find and hold onto the people who do. Remember, in the end, it's YOUR HAPPINESS that matters, and you have to do what you need to do to protect that happiness, whatever that looks like for you. It'll be hard, but you can do it. Hang in there <3