Merry Christmas! :)
Reading List
Hey y'all, I've been meaning to say this for a while, but I'm slowly going to start moving over to AO3 as my primary platform for writing. I just have a better and easier experience posting over there nowadays because its user base is more active and its design is more functional. I will still be posting here, but as you've probably already noticed, I won't be as active. Thanks to everyone who has supported me here, it means the world to me and I appreciate all of you! <3
@Violet_Majesty Yep, I’ll still be posting here! There will be a couple of oneshots that I will only post on AO3 (because it’s easier to post oneshots there) but none of them will be YouTube related, since I already have a book for them here. And thank you so so much!!! That genuinely means so much to me!! I’ve really tried over the years to improve my writing so I’m very happy it seems to be working haha. But don’t doubt yourself either!!
@skittenninja Are you still going to post on here? Because I’ve read two of your books within the past week (?) and they were amazing! You’re so descriptive and your use of metaphors to convey ideas is on par with published authors. To be honest, reading your works has made me start doubting my own writing abilities... (I mean this as a compliment. XD)
hey, thats cool! though I do appreciate that you’ve decided you're gonna post here as well still, you really don’t /have/ to, especially if you’re not happy. I know you didn’t say that but just in case <3
Merry Christmas! :)
Hey y'all, I've been meaning to say this for a while, but I'm slowly going to start moving over to AO3 as my primary platform for writing. I just have a better and easier experience posting over there nowadays because its user base is more active and its design is more functional. I will still be posting here, but as you've probably already noticed, I won't be as active. Thanks to everyone who has supported me here, it means the world to me and I appreciate all of you! <3
@Violet_Majesty Yep, I’ll still be posting here! There will be a couple of oneshots that I will only post on AO3 (because it’s easier to post oneshots there) but none of them will be YouTube related, since I already have a book for them here. And thank you so so much!!! That genuinely means so much to me!! I’ve really tried over the years to improve my writing so I’m very happy it seems to be working haha. But don’t doubt yourself either!!
@skittenninja Are you still going to post on here? Because I’ve read two of your books within the past week (?) and they were amazing! You’re so descriptive and your use of metaphors to convey ideas is on par with published authors. To be honest, reading your works has made me start doubting my own writing abilities... (I mean this as a compliment. XD)
hey, thats cool! though I do appreciate that you’ve decided you're gonna post here as well still, you really don’t /have/ to, especially if you’re not happy. I know you didn’t say that but just in case <3
Psssst! It's the super talented and wonderfully kind @Livy8878's birthday today!
I just started Thirteen, and I am already addicted to it .
@Red_Shadow56 Omg thank you!! I try haha. And sure! I’ve been looking for some more stories to read
@ skittenninja I really do. U are very good at writing. If u want ,can u check my story also please? I just start to write stories and I am curious about the opinions of others.
At this point, it’s a summer tradition for me to rewatch Danny Phantom.
Forgot to mention this, but Thirteen passed 5k reads!! Thank you all so much!!
Why do I keep getting into dead fandoms??? This is like the third one in a row???
@canehdiennobody Yep, exactly! There are still some people creating content about it here and there.
Ooh!! Sounds interesting :D (rotg, brave, tangled, and how to train your dragon, I’d guess?)
@canehdiennobody It was one from Tumblr circa 2012. Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons, AKA a fandom that existed solely around a crossover
TIL that Thomas Brodie-Sangster, as in the guy who plays Newt in The Maze Runner, was in Nanny McPhee. I have seen both movies a million times and I didn’t put two-and-two together until today. Now I’m having a crisis.
Phil uploaded his coming out video on the very last day of Pride Month and that’s honestly a power move. Also I’m so proud of him :,)
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