Title: Life is Not Just a Game
Summary: You know how famous people are, especially pop stars, the guys who break hearts, the guys who are considered 'bad boys' that get away with every and anything, well that is just how Cam Vincent also know as just Vincent was. He was disrespectful to everyone he talked to, he thought he was better than everyone and could do whatever he wanted, he was so consumed in the limelight it was like a moth to a flame but didn't burn and die when he reached it. He was selfish and arrogant, he cared all about himself and the amount of fans he had, which only just fed the burning fire of an ego he had, and threw a tantrum if he didn't get what he wanted as if he had reaches the 'Terrible Two's' late in life. When his attitude and disobedience goes to far, his parents send him off, not to military camp, no, but to a small town in Michigan, to live with his Aunt for awhile, the worst part is no more tours or performances until he straightens up his act, a new look which included dying his hair black, wearing blue contacts, changing his name, and not to mention, going to high school.
Will he be able to change by himself, or will a certain new neighbor do the job for him?