(My laptop crashed and ate the message I send yesterday, of course!)
Yeah got through another month! I was able to post five things this month. Yay!
"A Promise is a Promise" (A Promise Never Dies), "A Pokémon In Need" (The True Meaning of Friendship), "Unexplainable" (Fantasy Sight), "Lost Sister: Change In Chrysalis" (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Tragic Tale), and "Focus On The First Day" (Combat, Magic, Cliffs, And A Little Doll).
Thank you for all of the support you guys have showed me by reading and following. Unfortunately, I'm not going to update too much this month. I'm going up to Girls Camp for a week, then I'm back for a week, then I'm off to Youth conference for another week, then I'll be back for the rest of the month. Hopefully if I really try, I can get one part out. Again, sorry, but these were prescheduled.
Thank you again for the support you guys show me. ~ skittygirl