So I recently started using this site again and I look at what I've written here and it's amazing that people understand what I'm even saying in some of these. I was heavily into this app when I was like 15 and that's when I wrote most of this and I enjoyed every single bit of it, but you can tell I had no life experience with anything. I had switched over to just writing in google docs once I was 16 and just never published anything after that and I'm fully willing to publish some of it and even finish things that I've started here. I currently have plenty of time to write and I've been reading a lot more recently also which always makes me want to write because I easily get inspired. If you would like to see some more content from me, let me know and I will be happy to make it happen. Thank you for being here for me and thank you for the continued love on my books. xx-anevilwithin