hello there! I hope you're having a wonderful day. If you're looking for something to read, please check out "Falling Stars"on my profile. It's a novella I dedicated all of my time to and would love all the feedback I can get.

You could also read "Kenopsia" if you want. It is going to be a full length novel. However it's on hold for the time being.

If you want me to read something in return, send me a message with the name of the writing you want me to read and I'll be more than glad to check it out for you ^_^

As for me, I'm 19 years old and I love ;-

1) writing and reading stories poems.
2) sleeping
3) watching movies ( especially international films), documentaries, YouTube videos.
4) eating
5) music!
6) learning languages

I do not prefer -
1) watching TV series. I like to believe it's a commitment issue.
2) anything that sticks to strictly and only the romance genre.
3) songs with poor lyrics

some other random lists -

music genres I enjoy -
1) rock
2) metal
3) dream pop
4) electronic music + chill wave
5) grimes

YouTube channels I follow and would recommend -
1) scishow, vsauce, verisatium, the backyard scientist, stargazer, yeti dynamics, kurzgesagt, TEducation ( all stuff science)

2) nerdwriter1, the school of life, the dictionary of obscure sorrows, every frame a painting ( great food for the thought, reviews, awesome stuff that makes your mind go hmm!)

3) Spencer's painting a week ( for reviews on paintings and art styles!)

4) atlas obscura ( to satisfy my need to know about all the interesting places on Earth)

5) in the woods ( for my music discovery needs)

6) jessethereader ( to know about what books to read next)

7) yourmoviessuckDOTorg ( movie reviews!)

8) lazy pillow - yotam perel ( bite sized animation stories, to make you happy when you're sad. also super creative! and he has a great accent that I personally love)

❤ mwee

( fact. Skúmaskot is an icelandic term which means a dark corner)
  • JoinedJanuary 12, 2013

Last Message
skumaskot skumaskot Nov 15, 2015 08:02AM
I've been inactive for a while so if you want to remind me about reading your stuff :"0 leave me a comment.And as always, do check out "Falling Stars" If you haven't yet :) thank you!
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