
Guys, guys, I'm alive. I'll post some author's notes tomorrow, to let you all know what's going on with each story and where I've been.


@JessieTheUnipig I know, right? Amazing, I'm alive XD it feels good to be back. 


Are you going to rewrite 101 Reasons To Love You? Just asking b/c it was one of my favorites . 


@simplyxsara Unfortunately I don't think I will be rewriting it. I didn't delete it, however, I just have it unpublished. It was one of my favorites too, I just didn't want to keep it up if I wasn't going to finish it. I really wish I could continue it... I've just lost all motivation to. I get blocked when I try to write it. Buy if you could find an author willing, I wouldn't object to the story being rewritten by someone else. 


Do you believe that you will continue on with your stories even though it is hella hard to write?


I don't have much time now so I can't message everyone or post an update for every story. I hope you can forgive me. I haven't been away by choice. I haven't had the means to log in... I have to go. The place I've been staying since I left my parents' house is being sold and I can't stay anymore so... I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know where I'll be tomorrow or when I'll be back online. If I ever will be. I'm scared, yeah, but... I can't say much more, they're wondering what's taking so long already. I wish I could message everyone but I have to go and I can't and I miss you guys. The first real friends I've ever had and I cant I just I have to go. Please, no matter how long it takes me to come back, don't forget me


An amazing writer, survivor, conquerer, and person in general is never forgotten. No worries, sweetie. We'll always have your back. We'll wait years if need be <3 @skwarlogirlcfc


@skwarlogirlcfc Don't be worried, we'll be here when you come back, we will wait.


We won't forget. Just remember: you are stronger, braver, and kinder than you know. All it takes is a moment where you realize you need to be any of those when you can show them. You are beautiful, and we're all here for you in spirit. Someone as incredible as you isn't forgotten ❤️