
          	Life was put on pause.
          	New York was hit hard, but we bounced back harder. Today we do the same.
          	Our first responders and healthcare and frontline workers remain the heroes.
          	New Yorkers are courageous, determined, tenacious, and driven by love, strenght and compassion for one another.
          	Forever grateful for those who have and continue to risk their lives to protect this magnificent place we call home. ♥️
          	Never Forget.
          	Sending all my prayers and light to the families and loved ones who’s lives were lost on this tragic day. God bless you all. 


          Life was put on pause.
          New York was hit hard, but we bounced back harder. Today we do the same.
          Our first responders and healthcare and frontline workers remain the heroes.
          New Yorkers are courageous, determined, tenacious, and driven by love, strenght and compassion for one another.
          Forever grateful for those who have and continue to risk their lives to protect this magnificent place we call home. ♥️
          Never Forget.
          Sending all my prayers and light to the families and loved ones who’s lives were lost on this tragic day. God bless you all. 


HAPPIEST BDAY  to my amazing big sister Chase, whose soul and spirit are so special and whose heart is pure gold. 
          Your ability to connect with anyone and ALWAYS be present is what makes you loved by so so many... Wish I could be with you today!!!♥️
          Love ya Cheezus-virgo baby ;)
          Can’t believe you are finally 21!


          Forse non ci crederete ma, eh già, un nuovo capitolo di WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND, IMOGEN? vi aspetta!!!♥️
          Felice di essere tornata e come sempre GRAZIE :)
          - sky


@sky0307  aww darling <3


@Alys99 E io ti aspetto! Ho un debole per i tuoi commenti <3


this message may be offensive
I have no words to express how i feel on what’s still going on in this world.
          I know my skin is white, I know for sure that I’m a privileged and I know also that I will never be able to relate to what you have dealt with, but what I do know is that I will try and do everything in my power to help put a stop to this. 
          “Racism isn’t getting worse, it’s getting filmed” like someone said.
          No one or no ones family should EVER have to feel like this.
          They shouldn’t have to be scared that maybe one day their loved ones could very well end up like those pure innocent victims that have died due to racism.
          As a human I can’t accept this shit.
          Because of social media we are now able to see and share this orrific reality that’s been hidden from us for a very long time.
          It is up to ALL OF US to make this known that this will stop and this must stop NOW.
          I still believe in the beautiful side of the human being.
          Maybe I’m just a fool or a weirdo, who knows?
          - s


@hedrven well said girl❤️


@sky0307 Exactly, in 2020 this shlt must end.
            No justice no peace 


          WHO’S THE NEXT ONE?
          We cannot stand this anymore.
          Being black in U.S.A. should not be a death sentence.
          Rest in peace?!
          I wish black people could LIVE in peace. 
          Please say his name.
          Don’t forget all the victims.
          This happens way too often. #BlackLivesMatter


Happy Mother’s Day alla mia bellissima mamma!
          Oggi avremmo davvero festeggiato in grande. Vorrei essere lí a Milano con te, Bradley, Connor e Chase... Come da tradizione avremmo fatto ape da Ceresio 7 e poi pranzetto da Cracco!
          Avremmo ordinato 4 bei piatti di spaghetti ai ricci di mare, e avremmo parlato del più e del meno... Ma soprattutto avremmo riso tanto tanto delle mie tragicomiche avventure a NY, delle aspirazioni improbabili di Chase e delle mille conquiste amorose londinesi di Bradley e Connor...
          Mi manca così tanto tutto questo!
          La festa della mamma era l’occasione per noi, quei quattro scapestrati dei tuoi figli, di riunirsi e di farti sapere quanto ti vogliamo bene...❤️
          Grazie mamma, per averci donato amor proprio, ambizione e indipendenza, insieme a quelle ali con le quali abbiamo imparato a volare, coronando i nostri sogni in giro per il mondo.
          È solo merito tuo, ( e di papà altrimenti mi disconosce come figlia) se oggi sono dove sono e posso fare ciò che più amo! 
          La tua Tessy :)


@ sky0307  bentornata 


@ sky0307  ❤❤❤


Ei ragazzi, domanda abbastanza strana ahaha ma ho bisogno di alcune informazioni per mio fratello :)
          Passata l’epidemia covid-19, sempre che si decida a passare, dovrebbe trasferirsi per parecchi mesi a Genova per un master di fotografia... ora la prima domanda è innanzitutto:
          C’è qualcuno che conosce la città o è di lì? 
          Mio fratello avrebbe bisogno di un appartamento vicino al centro storico... stavamo pensando zona Albaro se non erro, aiuto.
          Ma in generale quali bei quartieri nei pressi del centro storico consigliereste?
          Vi prego aiutateci è da tre giorni che cerchiamo di capirci qualcosa su facetime, io da NY, lui da Londra... vi lascio immaginare :/
          Tripadvisor ci sta facendo impazzire, mio fratello non si fida di me e ha paura di finire in un quartiere malfamato.


@Alys99 sei troppo gentile ♥️


@sky0307 no problem ahahaha siete troppo simpatiche mi avete strappato una risata in una giornata piena di ansia XD




For everyone constantly asking:
          Well i’m not pregnant.
          And no, I didn’t have a boob job.
          Simply I gain few kilos during these quarantine and I never felt so good in my own skin :)
          I lost a little bit my abs, but I gain a lot of happiness thanks to the food!
          My goal is now to get stronger without loosing my curves. 
          Few years ago I was a lonely student/model in NY, I was signed with a well known agency, and I was constantly training for VS and fashion weeks.
          I was the fittest anyone can be.
          I trained 5 times a week.
          I had a crazy muscles definition but I never felt so insicure and unhappy. 
          It was hard but I decided to quit modelling after that and I tried to focus myself on my biggest dream: become a neurosurgeon!
          There is a long and hard story behind each one of us.
          So please be kind with people.
          Don’t take it personal, but there are NO good or available reasons for judging without knowing anything.
          Self love is a journey, which comes within you.
          And at the moment I feel GREAT with myself, so let me enjoy my sorbet✨✨✨


@Alys99 ne sono felice :)


@sky0307  Figurati! È sempre un piacere leggere quello che scrivi, riesco sempre a ritrovarmici molto ed è anche un bel modo per rafforzare il mio inglese XD 


@Alys99 grazie❤️... anche per aver letto il poema ahaha


WOYMI? raggiunge le 6K letture...
          Che dire?
          Mi sento così in colpa per non aver ancora aggiornato, vi prometto che appena ne avrò possibilità mi metterò sotto con la stesura fosse l’ultima cosa che faccio!❤️
          Grazie grazie