
Why can the velociraptors use door handles  


I've been getting a lot of notifications that people have voted and commented and added my stories to their reading lists lately and I just wanted to say holy flipping flapjacks thank you all so much. I joined wattpad almost 3 years ago and I've been writing and sharing stories since then and I never thought I'd get more than 50 reads on any of them. But since joining I've made friends and met some wonderful people through wattpad. (hey brit even though we don't talk much anymore you're still one of the coolest people I've met) I've grown so much as a person from writing in the last few years. I get messages from people saying my writing has helped them overcome challenges in their lives. I never thought my writing could do so much for me or have the power to help other people and I never thought anyone but myself would ever enjoy reading what I have to say or whatever stories I dream up. Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my stories it means the world to me. 


I'm sorry if this is bothering you but i was wondering if you are gonna update the Frerard vampire fic???


@dankcas oh my god thank you so much! That means a lot to me. 


 Thank you! It's really good is all and I nearly died when I saw how few chapters it had! You're such a great writer!


@dankcas no don't worry messages never bother me. Yes I am planning to update it, I know it's been a very very long time and that's because I lost inspiration in my writing for a while. But I'm back now and I'm working on updating some of my stories that haven't been updated in a  really long time. I will try and post a new chapter as soon as I can. 


Do you ever write so many fanfics that you're legitimately scared to publish your own non fan fiction story even though you have little to no interest left in the majority of the fanfics you've already posted ??? or is that just me lmao


So I've started another story...
          If you like captain america/the avengers/bucky barnes, I guess marvel in general or stuff like that you could check it out... I mean if you want to... I'm not gonna tell you how to live your life, but if you wanted to it would be pretty cool if you did... 
          It's called 'Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response.'