
wow :) i truly love the efficiency of wattpad's commenting system :) please know that if i don't reply to you its most likely i can't even see your comment because the site is literALLY NOT EVEN WORKING PROPERLY LIKE???¿?¿!!!! :)


wow :) i truly love the efficiency of wattpad's commenting system :) please know that if i don't reply to you its most likely i can't even see your comment because the site is literALLY NOT EVEN WORKING PROPERLY LIKE???¿?¿!!!! :)


hello my lovely followers I AM INDEED BACK! unfortunately i'm not back for good so that means i won't really actively be on here. but there's one piece of good news! i just published two parts of a new story titled "The Labyrinth" so you should definitely check those out. it's a rather dark story i've wanted to write for years now and i've finally started. go read those and tell me what you think. let me know if you like where it's going so far. i'll be focusing on the labyrinth more since i currently have a ton of inspiration for writing it. that's all for now. stay tuned for the next time i return for the next part of the story (which is soon i hope).


yep, we can be friends lol, what is your favourite song of marina?


sky ferreira, 30 seconds to mars, alicia keys and u?


@likeapoorgirl ooh i love those too. so aside from marina who else do you listen to?


miss y and starring role