
Hi everyone, I won’t make this a super long message, I just wanted to say that I took some time off from writing this year to grieve a personal loss, however I am still planning on finishing Twin Operative. I see that people are still reading my story and felt it was fair to give an update. Another chapter will be available soon! Thank you for your patience <3 happy holidays


Hi everyone, I won’t make this a super long message, I just wanted to say that I took some time off from writing this year to grieve a personal loss, however I am still planning on finishing Twin Operative. I see that people are still reading my story and felt it was fair to give an update. Another chapter will be available soon! Thank you for your patience <3 happy holidays


sorry for my absence, usually I'll give you guys a brief rundown of why I disappear for a while at a time. but I genuinely don't think I could even begin to dive into the past few weeks I've had so I'm just going to leave it at that lol. i'll update as soon as humanly possible. finally, may have found a way around my writers block.


hello everyone! hope you've all been having an amazing summer! :) been working a lot on writing my next novel and still querying agents for my most recently finished one. other than that, i've had a little bit of writers block with twin operative - specifically in figuring out how to move forward with the story in a way that remains true to the original without making everyone hate my characters (been through that rodeo once already lol) with that being said, as always, thank you for your patience & support! enjoy the sunshine and drink your water. much love <3


sorry for the delay on the chapter! as i said in my last post, i had to have emergency surgery on saturday night and i’ve been on quite strong medication that makes it very hard for me to focus on writing/stay awake. i am home and recovering but at the moment i need to prioritize feeling better (especially since i have a heart condition that will make recovery more rough). trust me when i say that i’ve been trying my best to write, but i just haven’t been in the proper state of mind. i’m hoping by the end of this week that i will be doing better enough that i’ll be able to concentrate harder to get the chapter out! thank you for your patience and support <3


new chapter is out!! there's also a little mini section updated with an art appreciation! be sure to check that out as well, the artists outdid themselves :) i'm definitely in a writing mood lately so i'm going to start the next chapter literally right now & can hopefully get it out soon! also i'm going to be making slight adjustments to the previous chapters (no new content for chapters 1-20 so if you get updates about that, just ignore it haha) but i'll update you guys when chapter 22 is finished and out <3


hello!! starting this off by saying i hope you’re having an amazing day & want to let you guys know that i will be decreasing the amount of chapters i add to an update. i thought that it may be better for the flow of the story, however i’m finding that it’s trickier to keep making sure i’m updating enough :( from now on, i’ll only be uploading 1 chapter at a time (2 if i’m feeling ambitious) keep in mind that my chapters are already quiet long, so it won’t be a huge loss of content! xx 


i feel really bad about being so inactive, especially w how supportive you guys have been with my little hiatus so i want to make sure i can get chapters out as much as possible <3


hi guys! i’ve been very MIA lately, but i was dealing with a lot of personal stuff. however, at this very moment the only story i’m choosing to focus on is twin operative so this officially has my 100% undivided attention! sorry for being so dead but tysm for your patience <3 hope you’re all having an amazing spring and enjoying the warm weather